sabato 18 giugno 2016


Bo. 18. 6 . 16
                                        SPECIE UMANA = SPECIE NEUTRALE.

Edito presso Ubik Bologna prezzo Euro 3.

Una sintesi del testo, con schemi.
One synthesis of the research.

                               2ND CHAPTER

A)    Collateral Effects On The Neutral Human Species.

If we consider the Human Species, like Darwin did, classifiable as evolution of the animal species and in the first place among the Primates, then we are simultaneously subjected to two complexes:

1)           The inferiority complex, because we do not possess the main characteristics of the animal species, based on the principle: “Minimal Action or Maximum Speed Possible”; Therefore we result as inferiors performing the instinctive actions of survival.
2)           The superiority complex, because we take advantage of creativity or rationality to create new means or technical tools, as a result of rational work. This makes our species stronger than the animal one, since we are able to do more complex and rationally well-structured actions, compared to objects.

The supremacy or control effect on animals is evident on pets, especially as friends of the species considered in a minimized and functional way.

The negative supremacy effect is performed by the cruel and trophy hunting as exploitation of the animal force.

The wrong classification of the human species, brought about by the evolution theory and by religious doctrines, deprives us therefore, from coherent and proved rationality; they both introduce a cultural and behavior addiction towards animals, almost a subordinate effect, despite the belief of being a superior species.
The unaware behavior of the human species is contradictory and dominated by addiction to a superiority-inferiority complex.
This brings the human species to consider animals as main food source, in addition to the primordial and irrational belief of absorbing their abilities, and in some cases, their force.
For instance: eating a big amount of meat indicates a cultural addiction, a inaccurate and misleading classification of humanity as evolved from the animal species, therefore superior in the range of carnivores, but in fact not in any case.
The psychological effect of feeling stronger if eating animals with greater abilities is assimilated and makes us feeling stronger, this is the so-called “Placebo Effect” that is an illusory effect, as we are neutral.
The opposed classification of the human species as “originated by God”, is based on the idealistic superiority complex that Humanity exists because created by God or by Gods (as in the Hindus belief) or, as antithesis, the universe originates by the Yin – Yang principle (the opposites belief).
Eventually the superiority complex of Gods, not comparable to nature’s laws, includes them as species’ properties, without awarness of such natural functions.

A)    The superiority complex originates from the unproved idea, that the human species has been created by a God or by Gods, according to the various religions, but this idea takes on a prejudice/privilege position based on the superiority of human beings compared to nature and its laws; they are considered as an instrument for the human species itself and not as a condition of equal but different basis.
B)                The inferiority complex is conferred to all other species, both animal and plants, since they are not privileged by God.
At the same time, the human species is indeed inferior, in a proportional way, in the ratio weight/speed according to animal species, as a result of survival ability.
Animals are always faster, therefore stronger.
We judge other species, both animals and plants, under the lens of the superiority complex.
The superficial attitude is the origin of deviating and distorted behaviors, not acknowledging the natural features as the foundation criterion of the relation and existence condition for all biological species.

The human species as neutral establishes two new conditions:
1) All kind of prejudices, both of material and ideal kind, are over.
2) We need to define the specific functions necessary to develop the longevity and the ability of human properties, which can be realized only by the scientific expertize-knowledge.
Meat or fish as food can certainly be limited proportionally.

The main food source for the human species, consists then in vegetation or in water in a percentage of about 70.

In the end: the natural resources necessary for the development and the increase of life expectancy for human beings, are not based primarily on animal food and on the amounts of it.
The position of the human species that is classified as neutral, is originated by Principles and Laws of the Natural Physics, (before the Scientific Revolution).
It unfolds new role prospects to Humanity in relation to all living beings, both vegetal and animal ones.


The chapter ends with a thank to the genius of Heisenberg’s thought, expressed in his lecture of 1934 and related to the changes of the science’s fundamentals, and subsequently, also of the culture, for having posed this correct question about a natural, unresolved paradigm.
The position of human species in nature.
The first part of the research has pinpointed the demonstration of the correctly posed question; there is a response based on a scientific method, basically comparative and rational, therefore coherent in its criterions or unit of measure.
The features and characteristics are inseparable from the object/subject.
In order to achieve an objective, real and rational knowledge, equal for everybody as for rationality and measure unit, coherent with the classification, reality must be described in a fully objective dimension, equal for everybody.
In brief, the, comparison shows the difference of the human physical structure as antithesis, as opposites and inverses, as shown in the following explanatory diagram:

1)                    Solid Status = Earth:

Animal Species  =   4   paws, one tail.
                 Human Species  =   2   legs.
                 Result = ½  : or, the feature is inverse to the
                 animal one.

2)                     Gaseous Status = Air:

  Animal Species = 2 paws and 2 wings, 1 tail.
  Human Species = 2 legs and 2 arms.
                   Result: arms are opposite to wings as to        
                   proportion and function.

3)                   Liquid Status = Water:

   Animal Species = 5 fins, thereof one on the tail.
   Human Species = is completely antithetical.
                  Human beings cannot live under water,
                  so our identity is diametrically opposed to that of

Moreover, you could ask yourself if to each primary animal species corresponds an opposite species?
You can use the Criterion and Principle of Physics, determined and confirmed, expressed by Dirac in 1928, to every particle correspond an antiparticle, to each electron corresponds a positron.
If the material criterion expressed by Dirac is valid and useful to understand the development of nature, then, each primary animal species must have its antithetical species, in a direct and proportional way.
For instance: the 4-paws animal species is counterposed by the 4-hands species (monkeys, or Primates, also called as quadrumanous), living on trees in vertical position and not in horizontal position like the rest of animals.
The birds species is counterposed by the snakes species; the birds fly, the snakes do not come off the ground.
The antithesis of the fishes species seems to be the human species, their survival condition is incompatible with air and water.

The human species is therefore:
1 = inverse,
2 = antithetical,
3 = opposite,
to the animal species in the three nature statuses.
According to its properties and characteristics, it proves to be a neutral species.

As a result, a study on the relationship between vegetal living entities, for which another research setting is necessary, and mankind.
The Principles and Laws of Nature Physics employed are three:
Proportionality (F = m. a): the second law of Classical Physics.

Secondly, the Force, combined with the principle of least action, and finally, the Principle of Nature Opposition (antithesis), enunciated by Dirac, to each every particle or mass, corresponds its antiparticle or anti-mass.
According to these criteria and principles is demonstrated, in a partial and coherent manner, the thesis that:
the Human Species, compared to the Biological Animal Species, is a neutral species. Its importance within nature, is understandable only after comparison with the Vegetal Biology.
The conclusion of the first part brings to a reflection on the criterion or Principle of the definition of living organisms, divided into two main types: animal and vegetal.
The classification principle used so far does not refer to the physical way of life; dynamic, for the animal species, and, static with dynamic range for the plant species.
The subject will be exposed in the second part of the research.

Dott. Mauro Sforza Mezzetti

Born in Bologna in 1953, Qualified Precision Mechanic, Bachelor of Contemporary History degree, specialising in Science History and Technology, with Social Evolution.
Working as a clerk for nearly 30 years; and now dedicated to the Scientific and Social Research.
He published the first essay: “Physics and Democracy: The Universal Principle of Simultaneity”, in 2014, in the E-book


To define the position of the Human Species, according to the Principles of Natural Physics, means to describe the paradigm of nature into which the Human Species lives.
One does not come to the understanding of the origin of the species, but the classification based on the properties of animal species and of the human species, enables a clear distinction between the animal and vegetal species.
The technical term Neutrality of the Human Species derives from the basic assembly of the atomic structure, the neutron, considered as free of energy charges at their maximum power, but charged only with a minimal and infinitesimal power.
The Neutron as mass almost without charge, is the key of the substance structure; hence the coherence of the technical description applied to the human species, as free from the smallest action principle, but provided with complex motions.

             €  3.0

1 commento:

  1. Well, an other philosophical little statement from that Italian disciple I like.

    Best wishes, obnoxia sunt
